Take The Backseat

Many a times we encounter situations in life, where we feel that our efforts are being wasted, be it for fulfilling dreams or aspirations, or for getting justice done, or anything. It so happens that whatever you do to set things right, it goes the other way. Now I don't say that you should stop trying if things aren't getting right, its just that sometimes you must take a backseat and let things happen their way.
Now that doesn't mean you shun the effort or do nothing about it. It just means that put your best effort into it, but, if it still doesn't work out, take a break, and remember, a break is always temporary, so you are always getting back to it. 
It is much needed to drain off the exhaustion that comes from incessant toil and struggle put into a task. Remember, the exhaustion is not only physical but mental and emotional too, and the latter causes much more damage than the previous. Thus, taking a backseat is necessary for your mental and emotional peace.
If you are still not convinced about the idea of stepping back for a while, I would like to draw your attention towards a situation when you are in the backseat of a car. Usually, you will be completely relaxed and comfortable and be able to enjoy the ride, this is because you need not worry about the decision making and the consequences of your choices and actions. This is exactly what happens when you take a backseat in life. You can relax and refresh yourself, and, at the same time, regain the strength to get back into the never ending battle of life.
And the interesting part is, when you get back in the battle, you will be readier and more confident because, you have all the time to think and plan, and you will be much more refreshed while on the backseat because, you aren't under the pressure to decide and act. So you will come back stronger, wiser and better, till then just take a backseat and enjoy the ride.

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