The Lack Of Light

The weather in the town has been cold and cloudy for last few days, and it is a well known fact that such days bring gloom and sadness. Infact, it is scientifically proven that weather affects our mood and mindset. And such cloudy days usually induce anxiety and melancholy. So, the heart of the matter is that, sunny days make us feel happy and cheerful while cloudy days where sunlight is sparse, make us gloomy and sad.
But what could be the reason behind the surprising behavioural changes arising from weather changes. And interestingly, its roots are buried deep into how we evolved.
We all know that we have come a long way from stone age, where humans were hunters and gatherers and had to work hard to keep themselves safe from wild animals. That was the time, when forests were home to the 'early man'. So, daytime was always the safest, sunlight being their guide and protection, as it not just kept them warm, but also, helped them see any approaching danger. 
But, night time was possibly really difficult, since the wild predators had an edge, owing to their ability to see at night, and that made the primitive humans vulnerable at night, this led to developing their tendency to find a shelter and stay put after sunset.
Probably that is the reason behind our tendency to get back to our safe places, our home after the sunlight is out. Thus, the blues that we get, due to lack of sunlight are woven into the very essence of our being. This is how we have evolved. Light, originally sunlight, has always made us feel secure and composed, while its absence makes us tensed and perturbed. 
Thus, it seems we can never really get away from the instincts that we have developed while we were evolving. And that reminds us that we always carry our past into us, the journey and the process has made us what we are and brought us where we are, we have come a long way, but, we still hold within ourselves, the instincts that we inherited from our ancestors.

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