Ask Yourself

Have you ever been in a situation where you have faced the dilemma of being unable to figure out other people's behaviour towards you. A situation where you were unable to decide what has triggered a particular response, good or bad.
I'm sure it has been the case, at some point or other in everyone's life. So, what's the way out? Anyhow, all of us have our own way of dealing with the situation. And the most common way is probably asking around about it. We try to find out what has been the reason behind this kind of behaviour towards us by confronting the person in question. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes they are clear, sometimes they aren't.
In such situation we are usually left wondering about our ascertained actions that led to certain reactions. So, what could be done? Well the best way out is introspection. We can always think harder and that thinking will certainly lead us to the required enlightenment or atleast the knowledge of what we could have done. 
So whenever you are faced with such situations, instead of wasting away your time and energy in asking around, just ask yourself that which of your actions led to certain situations.
This is probably the best thing to do in any situation. Ask yourself before you ask anybody else. Because, you have got answers to all your questions. All you need to do is stop looking for the reasons outside and search within yourself. Because, afterall you are the one who is responsible for your actions and their consequences.

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