
Coexistence is the very essence of the world. This is how the world works. Species, people, things, objects and ideas must coexist in order to make the world happen.
However, we often forget the very meaning and the spirit of coexistance. For instance, we humans, often forget to give back to nature, and just  keep exploiting it, but seldom do we give back. We simply forget our duties and consider it as our very right to incessantly seek from mother nature. But, what we miss out on here is that if we keep taking and not giving at all, we are creating an imbalance. We must know that the very fiber of the universe is balance, and if we disrupt it, we are creating a huge turmoil which would certainly, ultimately lead to breakdown and destruction. 
The thing is that, peaceful coexistence is mutual. The word 'Coexistence' itself pronounces its reciprocative nature. It means a peaceful coexistance is impossible without a balanced and just treatment for everyone and everything involved. If one keeps giving and other keeps taking, it will ultimately lead to disparities and the results could begin from unease and may end up in catastrophe. 
But still, this is what usually happens, and the aftereffects are highly undesirable. Because, there is always a limit to how much anything or anyone would stretch themselves in order to fulfill the other one's requirements, which are presented in the form of responsibilities. There is always an entity in any system that is subjected to undue responsibilities and unjust treatment, but there is always a breakdown too, and when it happens, it is unstoppable and usually irreversible. 
Thus, it is extremely important to live up to the fundamental principle and meaning of 'Co-existance', that is, to exist in harmony with each other, being just to each other,  with a sense of mutual respect, equality and proper division of rights and duties. That's when we 'Coexist'.
Think about it.

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