Conscious Subconscious

Last night my spouse had a dream that was actually an amalgamation of past experiences. The dream did not make much sense, but it surprisingly knitted together several past events which were totally unrelated and had nothing to do with each other.
I'm sure it's a common experience to have such dreams which do not seem to make any sense and comprise of random events blended together to form a dream. We all relate to such situations.
But interestingly, few of the events of the aforementioned dream came up from some recent experiences, while others belonged to a long gone experience which wasn't apparently a part of the conscious mind. But still it came up in the dream and came up exactly as it has happened in the past.
What does it imply. If we give it a deeper thought, it is the extraordinary capacity of our mind to store experiences, in simple words we call it the 'subconscious'. And, infact our choices, behaviour and reactions are governed by it. We tend to react to things according to our past experiences, this is how our brain is wired. This is how the subconscious works.
So, we might not even remember it, but all that we have ever been through, all the occurrences and encounters that we might seem to have forgotten are stored right there, in the subconscious. 
And the interesting part is, we do not even realize it, we cannot realize it until it comes back in the form of some random dream and reminds us of all that went by and was apparently forgotten, but not actually forgotten.

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