World And Women

To tell the truth, the world is, and has always been biased against women. It has always undercut them, pulled them down, shown disbelief and made the journey hard for them.
When I use the phrase 'world and women', I don't mean all women to one side and the rest of the world, i.e., men on the other side. No, no, not at all, its actually 'world and the woman', meaning, when it comes to pulling down or bringing down one woman, the others join the rest of the world in the mission, rather than support that woman.
Now I don't mean to be negative, but this is the harsh reality of our times, and probably all times.
It is an undeniable fact that women have always had it the difficult way, they are always looked down upon, their abilities always doubted upon, no matter how advanced a society may be.
They always have to go an extra mile, work extra hours, be extra cautious to prove themselves. And this is the biggest setback that women have to suffer, all women are back-stabbed by all other women in the world.
Then there are men, they have their own ways of distrusting and mistrusting women. They mostly require women's support to go through their life, but they seldom acknowledge it. Now all that I have said or I am about to say is not the case with a few people, it actually happens in a large section of the society. Still most of us do not accept that it does.
You will find very few men who actually acknowledge a woman's talents, even though they are as clear as the daylight. Men always try to look beyond those qualities which could make a woman look better than them. I do not say all men do that, but most men really do that. It so happens that, they find it difficult to appreciate women in their family who are making a mark for themselves, but would be all praise for women all over the world who are achieving great things. I would urge such people to open up their eyes and keep a heart big enough to appreciate and applaud what your own girls, wives, mothers & daughter in laws are achieving or atleast trying to achieve.
The attitude that I mentioned above is actually highly prevalent in our society, even though no one acknowledges it, because, we only make the society.
Whatever concerns have been raised in this article are neither backed by any hatred, nor meant to offend anyone. All that has been said, is already known to us all. Its just that we do not admit or address the issue, because it exhibits our narrow mindedness.
The people, both men and women, practicing the behavior cannot be completely blamed for it, because most of it comes from their conditioning, of how and what has been fed into their minds while they were growing up. Generations of human beings have been raised to believe that women are secondary to men, and, women should never support each other. This must change, but its easier said than done. An awful lot of open mindedness and efforts would be needed, children need to be raised to believe more in the capabilities of women. Some may say that change is happening. Well, I agree, but the percentage is small, which needs a boost, and it can happen gradually with efforts from everyone. And trust me if it does happen, the world would be a much better place to live in.

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