We: The Local Globals

I recently tried a recipe, a pizza recipe. But it wasn't the 
classic Italian kind. It was the desi version of this popular Italian dish. In fact, this is a common practice among we Indians. We have a habit of molding any dish our way, probably because though we wish to go global, still tend to stay local.
Its a quality unique to the people of our country. We cannot leave the Indian taste out of any cuisine. Other than a few exceptions, there is no denying the fact to when they say,"you  can never take India out of an Indian".
It is peculiar of us to apply this local mechanism to whatever we do, wear or eat. We go back to our roots in everything. Our every choice, opinion and thought clings to the inherent desiness that runs in the blood.
How beautiful it is that we tend to keep our culture and our values intact, no matter where we go and what we achieve. That is what makes an Indian an Indian. We all are familiar with how, over the years, India and the Indians have proven their mettle in every field, be it education, writing, science, culture, integrity, and many more. One of the major factors behind these superb achievements is our integrity and values, which teach us to remain grounded and humble in every victory and achievement. 
It is a typical Indian trait to Indianize almost everything. We tend to make things fit to our environment and culture. That's actually a very good aspect of Indian life. It is a sign that we have the ability adopt and adapt. It reflects our capacity to integrate all that is good in the world, but also turn it to suit our surroundings and people.
This attitude makes us stand out globally and make a mark. The capability to stay rooted while flying all around is what makes us unique. It makes us more empathetic and gives better understanding of others. The feeling of belonging to a place is what provides stability to one's mind, soul and life. 
This is the quality that keeps us afloat amidst the storms and hurricanes that we encounter every now and then. It gives us immense pride to be associated with a beautiful country, to know that we belong to a nation that holds numerous stories of valor and patriotism. It is a true honor to be the successors to such rich culture and traditions, and to be a part of a noble and worthy civilization. Let's try and stay true to our legacy, because that's what makes us 'locally global'.

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