Liability: Like It Or Not

No one wants a liability. Liabilities are highly undesirable, yet unavoidable. Liabilities come to all of us in one form or other. They are as inescapable as the process of aging and as guaranteed as the changing of seasons.
Liabilities come in many forms, there are personal liabilities in the form of one's children or the elderly, there can be financial liabilities in the form of loans or debts. Then there are emotional liabilities which most of us do not even recognize. Emotional liabilities are the people who may or may not be dependent upon us financially or in other ways, but are emotionally dependent upon us. 
Hence, there is no denying the fact that liabilities come with one's life and only go away with it. However hard you try to avoid them, at some point in life, you have to take up responsibilities, which are actually liabilities in disguise.
There is nothing wrong with having liabilities. On the other hand, they are a proof that you have a sound life, a family to go to, a standard of living and the courage to build your life. On giving it a deeper thought, you will realize that today's liabilities were yesterday's assets or could be tomorrow's assets as well. A liability shouldn't be ran away from, instead, it should be accepted wholeheartedly because , it is an important part of your life. 
Liabilities are what keep us grounded, and give us a place to go. We might lose track of our duties, would it not be for liabilities to remind us of them. If we do not possess liabilities, our thoughts and actions will go haywire and life will be out of order. It is foolish to thrust upon others, the responsibilities that are yours to fulfill, and it is equally foolish to carry the burden of others' liabilities, because both the actions are results of an unjust approach which is never acceptable.
People who realize their liabilities tend to be more  level headed. On the other hand, the denial of responsibilities and liabilities would only lead to restlessness and chaos.
However, problem arises when people who are meant to be assets deliberately start to act as liabilities. This act brings discomfort for those who readily take up their responsibilities. It burdens them unnecessarily, resulting in emotional, financial and mental breakdown. The balance of familial and societal structure gets disturbed resulting in turbulence and tribulation.
Thus, it is important to ensure that we acknowledge and accept our liabilities and fulfill our responsibilities wholeheartedly. Because, peace and prosperity can exist only when responsibilities and liabilities are honored. 
