
Masking is the new normal and masks, the new accessories. Like it or not, mask is now the way of life. You cannot step out, you mustn't step out without a mask.
On giving it a deeper thought, I realized that we are actually masked forever. Many of us have a real face and then a mask to show to the world. And, knowingly or unknowingly, we end up wearing that mask even when it is time to let go of it, and people end up being what they aren't. 
There is a thing about masks, they are supposed to cover up, which they do. People cover up their faces, nose, emotions, thoughts, intentions, responses, and so much more.
The world is a strange place and humans are strange creatures. We tend to disregard and ignore what is true and natural, while pretending and presenting what's not.
Masking your personality might get you opportunities, friends, money and success, but all this is temporary. Because, sooner or later, the mask wears off, and the true person shows up. It is not possible to stop being one's own self forever. Pretense can never be permanent. Because, it is always possible to fool a few people, but it is never possible to fool the whole world. 
While masking your face is the need of the hour, masking your personality is an individual choice. Some people find it extremely important to pretend and mask themselves, while others prefer originality and ingenuity.
In my humble opinion, one should never wear a mask of what they aren't. In my opinion, it is very important to stand your own ground and stay real. But, its just my opinion. Some may have a different opinion and idea about masking and ingenuity.
Mask your personality or not its upto you, but don't forget to wear a face mask, for now.

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