A Bit Of This A Bit Of That

Owing to the present state of affairs everyone seems to be experiencing anxiety, restlessness and negativity of thoughts. There is an environment of uncertainty, thanks to the ongoing scenario.
And truth be told, none of us could control any of it. Neither the pandemic, nor the mentality. The only thing that can be done is to keep a strong mind and a fit body, or at least try for it.
The best way to overcome the ongoing dilemma over the possibilities in future is to stay engaged in various tasks. Its the  best way to counter the stress and anxiety that is the result of present circumstances.
As they say, 'something is better than nothing.' So, the wisest thing to do right now is to keep moving. Because, if you keep doing a bit of this and a bit of that, you'll certainly reach somewhere. 
There is no denying the fact that the current times are the difficult ones but, why not? Why not give the situations a tough competition. In this process you are not going to lose anything and sure to gain something, if only experience. And a little lesson from your failure if nothing else. 
It is a well known fact that you are never at loss if you have gained some experience or learnt a lesson from a struggle. 
Many of us disregard such opinions tagging them as mere philosophies and hollow words, but I'll spill the secret that they aren't. The above course of action has actually worked for me and for many other people around. We found our calling in the trivial tasks that we started simply to keep away boredom during the times when we felt stuck. 
It is my first hand experience that your instinct will always lead you to where you are meant to be, but only if you take the initiative. You cannot just give up, that's not what humans are meant to do.
Thus, it is an absolute necessity, especially in the current state of mind, which we all are in, that we step up and begin to do things. A little this, a little that, and somewhere down the path, you may find the métier, craft or the career path that you are meant to tread. And if not so, you'll certainly get out of the darkness that has enveloped your mind and soul. An iota of effort from your side could give  gazillions of happy and creative moments to cherish.


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