Room Temperature

Recently I read about how water kept at room temperature can be helpful in fighting diseases, possibly even the ongoing viral disease. How amazing is that, a simple entity like water kept at room temperature could be so effective. The same can be applied to our day to day life situations, you are more likely to overcome problems and hurdles if you keep things at normal temperature. 
If you keep a moderate and reasonable attitude towards life situations, you will certainly be able to deal with them better.

On giving it a little thought I realized that things could be much less complicated if we keep a normalized approach towards situations, people and circumstances. Overreaction is always a problem. Just like very hot or very cold water can never be beneficial or even useful, and in order to utilize them properly we must bring to a normal temperature. In the same manner, reckless response to anything never helps, on the contrary, it worsens things in most cases.

The importance of moderation is usually ignored and reacting to everything is considered necessary, which actually isn't. You can avoid many troubles just by being nonreactive when you must be.

This doesn't mean that I oppose one taking a stand when needed. Of course, it should be done. We must stand for what or whom we believe is right. We must oppose if something or someone is being unjust. Standing up for true and right is what makes us human.

But, another quality that we must possess as a mature individual is, the ability to decide when to react and when not to react, and also, how much to react in a certain situation. This much of awareness is crucial in avoiding unwanted and unnecessary conflicts.

We must know when to stand and when to sit low. It is the true sign of maturity that you avoid the battles that must be avoided and fight the battles that need to be fought.

So, next time, whenever your blood boils and you tend to react, think a little and bring it down to the 'Room Temperature', because, that is where we survive.

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