Like Salt

Recently, one of my own was advised to reduce the intake of salt to minimum, owing to some health condition, for a few days she quit salt from food, this turn of events made me realize that s
alt is the most important component of a savory dish. And, savory dishes are the most important components of our plates. Be it a regular meal or a fancy platter, one could not enjoy it if there isn't any salt in it.
The importance of salt is undeniable, still we never acknowledge it until its absence. Its the question of a lifetime that why do we realize the importance of things, people, situations & opportunities only after losing them, just like we never acknowledge how much needed salt is, unless it is either forbidden or missing from food.
Salt gives taste and flavor to the food, just as the people around us do to our lives.
You see, flavors are tricky. They have to be just right in order to be pleasant. Same is true for the salty flavor. If it is not there at all, food tastes bland. If it is less, still food cannot be enjoyed. If it is too much, food couldn't even be consumed. Thus, it has to be just right to enhance the taste of the dish. Same is true for people, relations and circumstances around us.
If you have too caring people around you, they aren't valued, and you feel over-attended. On the other hand, if your folks do not care about you at all, you feel left out, and life feels like a burden. If your surroundings are too favorable, you miss the adventure of dealing with hardships While, if your circumstances are too challenging, they may crush you down. A balance of both provides the taste to life and makes it enjoyable.
A life devoid of such balance is as tasteless and unpleasant as a meal with too much or too less salt in it. So, give importance to people, relations and situations around you, but only as much as they deserve. Do not overdo it and do not under-do it, keep a balance 'like salt', to enjoy to the fullest, the treat called life.

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