People Around Us

There are many kinds of people in the world.
In fact each person is unique with a different set of abilities and characteristics. Each person has different habits and attitudes. Everyone has their own thought process and mindset.
The variety and variability of people is as surprising as it is amazing. You will find all types of people.
Happy people, sad people, grumpy people, cheery people, active people, lethargic people, tensed people, confident people, smiling people, complaining people, giggling people, vexed people, and many more depending upon their behavior in public.
Then there are selfish people, selfless people, helping people, hindering people, gossiping people, truthful people, nosy people, indifferent people, manipulative people, straightforward people, and many more depending upon their basic nature. 
There are rich people, poor people, wealthy people, healthy people, sick people, sick minded people, attached people, detached people, just people, unjust people, able people, unable people, people's people, family people, society people, and many more depending upon societal roles.
There are judgmental people, unprejudiced people, kind people, unkind people, foolish people, wise people, staying people, running people, saver people, spendthrift people, proud people, humble people, loved people, hated people, mingling people, isolated people, giving people, taking people, sweet people, bitter people, human people, inhuman people, fit people, misfit people, and many more depending upon their status.
There are shallow people, deep people, talking people, quiet people, motivated people, demotivated people, inspiring people, dull people, hearty people, half hearted people, introvert people, extrovert people, and many more. 
We all have met and known people of such kinds. They are all around us, even we ourselves can be one or more of these people. Important is to remain as you are and do no harm. Otherwise people will be people.

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