The Illusion Called Time

Is time an illusion. What if you come to know that it actually is? Well, no one has yet been able to clearly answer the question, but several scientists have, time and again pointed towards the fact that time may not be real.
On the scientific front, several great minds have put forward theories which state that time may possibly be an illusion. The concept of time may be relative, i.e., based on the individual experiencing it, just like the concept of motion. Which implies that, two different people might view the same events happening at entirely different times, depending upon their frames.
Well, I won't delve deeper into the scientific realm, but would stress more on the everyday experiences,  which sometimes give a slight impression of time not being as absolute as we consider it to be.
If we ponder over day to day experiences and happenings, it is apparent that time may not be absolute.
Time appears to flow smoother and faster for kids, who are always willing to take up new tasks and are hyperactive, while for adults, it drags a bit. And for elderly it seems to move at snail's speed. 
We've all been through the events in our lives where time happens to burden us by sitting still, it seems to 'not move'. This usually happens when you are going through some difficulties or undesirable circumstances.
On the other hand, time seems to fly in happy moments when you are in a desirable state of mind and soul, or when you are with your loved ones.
All these instances suggest the illusive nature of time, and leave me wondering about the stability and credibility of every element in the universe. Because, what in the universe, if not time, is real. The fact that clocks could be a sham brings a sense of delusion, as if the universe has been playing a great prank.
