Not This, But That

It is a common human trait to always run after the things that are beyond our reach. And mostly, there is nothing wrong with that, its 
just another form of ambition.
This doesn't mean that I opine against ambition, in fact it is great to be ambitious in life, it is what brings development in the society, refinement in the culture and prosperity in one's life. Ambition is what keeps the spirit to improve alive in us.
However, sometimes in the never ending chase we forget what we have, or that which we possess. In fact, it is the very characteristic of human beings, we take for granted what is already ours and think highly and ambitiously of what is beyond reach.
But, if we give it a deeper thought, we might come to a conclusion that we usually possess what we need, and if not, we do attain it. But, the irony is, as soon as we get or achieve what we desired, we start to wish for something else. Not that there is anything wrong with it, its just that in wishing for what's further, we tend to forget what's here. This is the attitude that leads to several complications, giving rise to most of the conflicts in our daily lives.
The tendency of a person to look for things or states that are unattainable while ignoring what they already possess, is rather disturbing and sometimes frustrating, not just for them, but also for people around them.
The propensity for disregard of what lies in front of oneself, and overstretching to attain and accommodate what is out of reach could result in disturbances, imbalances and chaos. One must always strive for better in life, but not at the cost of what is in hand, because , at times, you may be immune to the aftereffects, but, at other times, it could lead to serious consequences.
The urge for 'not this, but that' could result in unforeseen and undesired outcomes.
Think before you join the mad rush, and don't forget to count your blessings.
There is nothing wrong in looking for greener pastures, on the other hand, it brings a sense of excitement to life, but, embracing your truth brings a sense of peace that is unmatched.
So next time, whenever you tend to ignore your blessings and crave for the illusion called 'better', think again, because, its never wise to overlook 'what is', while looking for 'what isn't'. 


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