Favorite Part Of The Day

We all have a favorite part of the day. In the 24 hour long day, that all of us are blessed with, each of us has our own treasured time of the day. T
his is the time of the day that we relish and enjoy the most. We look forward to it all day long because, this is the time when we are at our best.
For some people, it is the time when they fulfill their hobbies, for others it is the time for self realization, others utilize this time for introspection, while some organized ones use it to plan the day ahead. 
Some people relish early mornings the most, when the soothing breeze strokes the face and hair. While for others, the afternoon is the favorite part where short naps refresh the mind and declutter the brain. There are others, who are foodies and enjoy the meal time the most. While for some, the evenings are the most liked part of the day. 
There are people, who go a bundle on making sure that their evening tea time is uninterrupted and hassle free. For some, reading the newspaper with a cup of tea is the time of the day that they look forward to. 
Hence, for all of us, there is a time of the day which we hold special to our hearts and look forward to. This is the time of the day in which we take delight and celebrate life. This is the time that gives us the required space to contemplate our actions, ponder over our decisions and reflect upon our behavior.
So such a time of the day is really close to our hearts, because, this the time when we lose ourselves to find ourselves. 

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