Gross National Happiness

A country where its people's well being is of paramount importance. Measures small on the map but big on happiness. Bhutan is the only country in the world which is guided by the concept of Gross National Happiness or GNH. The criteria for the measurement of Gross National Happiness is the well being and happiness of its people. Infact, it has been assigned as the goal of the government of Bhutan in its constitution. 
How sweet is that, and surprising too. The measure of a country's progress is defined not in terms of monetary, economic or infrastructural factors, but on the basis of how happy and content its citizens are.
Don't we all need this? Despite all the advancements and monetary benefits, all we crave for is some happiness. Knowingly or unknowingly our ultimate goal in life is contentment. You may earn as much money as possible, but its all useless if you do not possess the peace and content. 
The four pillars of Gross National Happiness are: good governance, cultural preservation, socio-economic development and environmental conservation. Now that is a dream list, that could be unhesitatingly adopted by the nations of the world. 
Such a move by a government would definitely win hearts of its people. This is the type of reform that we all would wish for. Because, if you think about it, life is meaningless and tasteless without happiness. 
If we ponder over it in depth, the four pillars mentioned above seem to relate perfectly to the principle of happiness. Its all so relevant, if these four aspects are touched upon well, then it would automatically lead to a state of happiness.
The concept of Gross National Happiness is unique as well as satisfying. Imagine a country where 
all the government cares about is the
happiness of its people. 
There couldn't be any better measure of a country's progress than how happy and healthy its people are. Bhutan has totally nailed the concept of measuring this progress.
On the other hand, why wait for any government reforms, why not take charge of your own happiness. Take an oath everyday to keep yourself happy and find peace amidst chaos, this tiny step will surely bring a sense of exuberance and fulfillment to life.

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