Beyond The Screen

I have cousins and siblings in their early twenties or late teens. These youngsters are supposed to radiate a youthful energy which the world could look forward to. Even though the maturity levels are low, the curiosity levels should be quite high at this stage in life. There should be a lot of enthusiasm for trying out creative things. They should be ready to absorb new experiences and be welcoming to new tasks.
However, the common observation about the youngsters is that, they are welcoming only towards the virtual experiences which are brought to them in the form of online games, challenges, etc. They are ready to absorb all that the screen presents, but cannot bring themselves to accept what life presents.
Today's youth read only on digital media platforms, respond only to memes and trolls. Books are long forgotten and abandoned far back. The attitudes are no better, and offensive language is regarded as cool. Common sense is not so prevalent and thoughtfulness has been replaced by indifference. 
All these issues arise due to the lack of human interaction and greater screen time. Thanks to the virtual world they spend most of their time in, they are getting farther away from reality. 
The problems of anxiety, depression, wrongful behaviour and several mental disorders are the return gifts from the virtual world. 
There is no denying the fact that technological advancements are crucial in today's era to keep up with the speed of developments. But, all the progress is achieved only by making correct and effective use of the virtual platforms, which many people 
do. But a majority of youth are stuck in the endless trap of nonsensical applications which attack them emotionally and mentally and devoid them of sensibility and common sense.
The secret to efficient and effective utilisation of technology lies in the technique of being with it, and not into it, because, losing sense is never wise. The population with immense capacity and endless energy needs to understand that they must look beyond the screens, where the actual world awaits them.
Because, beyond the screen is all the more enthralling than behind the screen. 

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