Keep A Coaster

I am a systematic person, well I do not mean to be boastful here, just giving out the context to the article.
So, I like system and discipline in my day to day life. And that's the reason I always insist that one keeps a coaster to prevent tea, coffee or juice stains on the furniture. It irritates me when the beautiful shining wood gets marked with the stains from tea cups. 
Now, it's not a serious issue, and 'not keeping a coaster' does not have serious consequences for sure, but, why not keep one? Because not keeping a coaster may be harmless, but 'keeping a coaster' can be really helpful, just like keeping a disciplined approach and systemization in day to day life. 
Keeping a coaster under the hot or cold drinks or food is a common but much needed practice. This seemingly insignificant step could actually double the joy that comes with your favourite drink, as it would prevent a lot of mess that may otherwise follow. In the same way,  small and insignificant precautionary measures in day to day life can bring great positive changes in the long run.
The habit of 'keeping a coaster' may not bring any evident miracles but this inconsequential practice can certainly be beneficial in long term. 
If you have a habit of keeping a coaster, it actually means you are careful about small things in life, and exhibit great deal of caution and vigilance while dealing even with petty issues. Which is actually a wonderful trait. It makes a person more responsible and aware. 
Keeping a coaster can prevent any probable damages, however minor they may be. Such people are cognizant and alert and always looking for ways to minimize mess and increase efficiency.
The habit of keeping a coaster under every  beverage that life serves you with, can actually reduce much of the upcoming stress and devastation. It can help a person be more prepared to handle any muddle and mess with confidence, without depleting or destroying the beauty and quality of life. 
So next time, when you are all set to enjoy your favorite drink, don't forget to 'keep a coaster', so that the joy lasts much longer than the drink itself. Enjoy the drink called life, but make sure you keep a coaster.

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