Let's Build Each Other

We are facing tough times globally. The world is in trouble. People are struggling to survive the situations. And we all hope that the testing times will end soon. 
However there are problems that have been, and will continue to be there forever. One of these problems is the tendency to let down or bring down others. People do it all the time, to their colleagues, friends, classmates and almost everyone. This tendency stems from the feeling of jealousy towards each other.
In the present difficult times, it becomes all the more crucial to let go of this lethal practice. This kind of attitude makes the bearer lose confidence and brings bitterness to relations.
There are people, who, in order to assure their survival and sustenance, bring others down. They must realise that it's a very negative behaviour and this kind of tactics don't last for long, and must be avoided.
Oftentimes there is a difference of opinion at workplace or even in a family, but it mustn't be given a selfish turn by using the aforementioned tactics, because, it could spoil the chemistry in any relation, be it personal or professional. 
The world needs more cooperation and support, rather than back stabbing and humiliation. We need to rise above this attitude and help each other overcome any situation that stands in our way.
It's very easy to demoralize and discourage someone, but its equally damaging. Although not visible, the scars of dejection and defamation are ruinous. One should try to lend a hand once in a while, so that we can build a better world.
So, let us try to build each other up,instead of tearing each other down.
