A Cup Of Tea

A cup of tea is the ultimate comforter. For most tea lovers, a nice cup of tea holds all the warmth needed to melt down the stress and worries which are the part and parcel of today's fast paced world.
A cup of tea comes to your rescue in almost all unpleasant situations. In times of a bad cold, a cup of 'adrak ki chai'(ginger tea) is a great relief, when you feel mentally drained, a cup of 'kadak chai'(strong tea), spiced up with tulsi(basil) and laung(cloves) could help destress, when you are feeling low on energy, slightly 'meethi chai'(sweetened tea) could help you energize to carry on with the battles of life.
A lot has been said about the importance of this age old beverage and its origin, that how a tea leaf fallin accidentally into boiling water led to the discovery of this all time favourite drink. 
Tea has evolved through the journey of time and has taken many forms such as, herbal tea, green tea, black tea, iced tea, lemon tea, to name a few. However, for tea lovers like me the classic tea made with dried tea leaves and sugar boiled with milk along with ginger/basil leaves(depending on seasonal availability) added to it is the ultimate tea form. A few months back, while visiting the tea gardens in Darjeeling, I happened to taste various avatars of the tea, and some of them were surprisingly delicious.
Tea holds a special place in the hearts of many people. A cup of tea brings with it the possibilities of  hearty conversations and thrilling confessions, it could mean the 'me time' for someone who's been toiling for hours to get a task done. A cup of tea during the rain brings with it, not just warmth but memories too. Chatting over a cup of tea could be the best way to get to know people. 
A cup of tea is quite special and everyone associates themselves with it in different ways, but usually, the emotions involved are profound in nature.
Whatever be the connection, a cup of tea is certainly the best remedy for a perturbed mind and agitated soul.

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