Your Savior

We all have been through circumstances where we feel helpless and downtrodden. I'm sure everyone has experienced such times when all you wish for is a savior, someone who would pull you out of the deep sadness and help you get back on your feet.
The sadness is all engulfing and makes you feel miserable.
In the middle of this deep dark pit, sometimes we even find our savior. Someone who takes all our burden away and gives us a new lease of life. It is very common in movies, but a very rare thing to happen in real life. In most situations, all you get is leg pulling, betrayal and condemnation. There are mostly no saviors, just haters and demotivators. 
However, there is someone who could actually save you. The one who has not just the power but also the willingness to do nothing but good for you. In the words of Sheryl Crow, "The only person who can save you is you." And that's absolutely true. See no one could ever understand you better than yourself and no one knows your struggles better than you do. And hence, logically, no one could help you better than yourself. 
There is no denying the fact that people around us are important. They are important for us to live a wonderful life. Your family, friends, partners, kids, colleagues, you cannot imagine life without them. But, there are some things that only you can help yourself with. Only you can give yourself enough courage to stand in the face of adversities. No matter how great a support system you have, if your own self is not strong enough to support you, its all going to be useless.
In my personal experience, the accolades, support, trust, cooperation, encouragement or liking that people give you is directly proportional to the faith and courage that you possess. The more you trust yourself, the more trusted you will be. If you are self motivated, others will motivate you too. On the other hand, if you havs low self esteem, others will always make you feel inferior. People will believe in you if only you believe in yourself first. Thus, it is an undeniable fact that those around you mirror your own attitude towards yourself. You make people feel about yourself just what you feel for yourself.
In the words of Gautam Buddha, "No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path." So, talk the talk you want to talk and walk the walk you would rather walk. Don't look hither and thither, instead be your own savior.

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