The Sky

The sky is ever changing. It shows several shades through the course of time. It is stunning at sunrise, blinding at noon, calm at sunset. Then there are are the dark skies during rains, they are usually saddening. After the rains you'll see a clear washed sky, which brings joy and positivity. 
There is so much activity in the sky that is apparently still. On giving it a deeper thought, you will realise that there is so much similar between the changing skies and human moods. Not just that different types of skies have different effects on people's moods, but also, different shades of the sky reflect different moods and mentalities too.
A clear sky for example, resembles a person with clarity of mind. A person who has life sorted out, and have a very clear idea of how things ought to be, just the way they appear when the skies are crystal clear.
Then there are gloomy skies which resemble the deep sadness that engulfs you at times. It is not anger or ravage, just sadness, a sinking feeling that is very similar to the dark skies.
The morning skies are refreshing, again representative of a person who is fresh at mind, awake and active. Such person radiates energy and freshness, just like the early morning skies.
The noon sky of summers reminds me of a person who is restless and mostly angry. A person who could give people burns with their harsh behaviour and words. They are somewhat like the burning summer noon skies which give an unpleasant atmosphere and are mostly unbearable.
Then there is the evening sky, reflecting a calm and composed mood which is attained after the day's long run when all your commitments are met and tasks completed. This sky is like a relaxed person, looking forward to peace and serenity after a tiresome day.
The night sky is apparently just black but it is like an introvert who doesn't give out anything but actually holds a lot inside. Such people may appear blank at first but when you get to know them better, you'll realize that they are really intense, just like the night sky, hiding its intensity in the black.
It is interesting and astonishing at the same time that the sky and human moods have so much in common, it appears that one is reflecting the other. Both are unpredictable, the sky and human moods.

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