Winner's Curse

This morning I stumbled upon a technical term, 'Winner's Curse', it is a phenomenon in auctions, where, the winner of the auction could actually be at loss for overestimating the value of an item.
Isn't it the case in life too. We often win over things, people, situations, but only after paying a heavy price for it. Many times the price being paid is much more than their real value.
It happens to most of us, and is very relatable, as we all have, at one point or other in our lives, sacrificed insanely in order to win over something or someone. We have all been there when all that matters or atleast seems to matter, is to attain certain goals or reach a certain place or position in life. But, in the pursuit of these aspirations, which appear as our longings, wishes, passions, ambitions, and so on, we mostly end up being deprived of the real happiness and that is probably the biggest price to pay for anything.
We often get into rat race, only to be called a winner, this situation is similar to an auction, where the winning rush makes people overpay for things. Like in life, we end up devoting a lot of our time into tasks that aren't that important, or we invest a lot emotionally into people who don't deserve it. In such situations, for time being, we may feel like a winner, but at the end of the day we have overpaid and may feel cheated in long term.
So, the concept of winner's curse is a part of our every day life and we keep falling prey to it, even though we are very well aware of the consequences. This is how we are, that we readily embrace the curse, in order to be called a winner. 
But, the thing is, you can always be more thoughtful before any investment, mental, physical, emotinal or monetary, and steer clear of the 'winner's curse'.

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