Being A Teacher

They say that 'teaching is a noble profession', and it indeed is. When you teach something to someone, you open endless possibilities for them. They say no profession is above the teaching profession because a teacher is one who prepares all other professionals. 
Despite the well accepted importance of teachers in one's life, the profession is often looked down upon and underestimated. Everyone thinks that being a teacher is cakewalk, which is not really so. 
I being a teacher myself know it very well that the job is extremely challenging, now you may ask what's so challenging about walking in a class full of students and explaining to them the subject that you have mastered. Well, teaching is not just about explaining facts or making students understand the subject. It is much more complicated. You have to play several roles in the classroom. Sometimes you are their guide, at other times you have to listen to them like a friend. Sometimes you counsel them out of sadness and depressing situations, while at other times you have to become one of them. Many times you need to cheer them up when they are low, or motivate them when they are demotivated.
You, as a teacher, play pivotal role in their lives. Your students trust you the most after their parents, sometimes even more. They look upto you for support and guidance, and you radiate the energy that drives them to do better.
However, a teacher's efforts are not always successful, sometimes our students disappoint us by their actions or words. But still, a teacher never gives up on them. You give them chances to improve and progress. Infact, a teacher is probably the only person besides your parents, who finds joy and pride in your success.
So, I proudly quote Chanakya, one of the greatest teachers of all time, who once said, "शिक्षक कभी साधारण नहीं होता. प्रलय और निर्माण उसकी गोद में खेलते हैं। " meaning, 'No teacher ever is ordinary, both construction and destruction belong to them.' The job of a teacher is extraordinary and difficult at the same time, contrary to common perception that teaching is the easiest of all jobs. The difficulty and complication of this profession lies in the fact that a teacher doesn't deal with machines, computers, medicines, laboratory apparatus, etc. A teacher deals with young minds and hearts on a daily basis. Now that's a complicated task, to nurture young, vulnerable humans so that they are ready for all that life serves to them.

I dedicate this to all my teachers who did a great job and inspired me to be one of them. 

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