
Papa, dad, daddy, all these terms bring out an image that could be different for different people. Everyone of us has our own set of experiences when it comes to papa. But one experience is mostly common, the hard core father figure that they are, usually tough from outside, but melting soft when their kids are in pain.
Papa, for me has always been strict and uptight when it came to discipline, eating habits and studies. But, when I look back, I realize that I am what I am today only because of his discipline and particularity. I have learnt the virtues of honesty, kindness and compassion from him. My papa taught me that it is important to protect one's self respect at all times, and I'm grateful to him for that.
Me and my siblings always frowned upon the rules and regulations, but, as I'm growing old I realize that it was all so necessary. How, by teaching us all that, he actually prepared us for the life ahead, for the world that is ruthless and how you must be at your toes all the time, in order to get through.
The greatest qualities that one could inherit from their father, and I'm no exception, are to stay sane in the face of difficulties and to face the testing times, and not run away from them.
All the papas out there are constantly keeping a hard shell to show to the world, so that they may bear all the hardships that come their child's way.
A father, undoubtedly is a great influence in once life, sometimes you may disagree with their decisions or views, but, at the end of the day, you become like them, you inherit a part of them in the form of habits, characteristics, accents and so much more, that's how they always stay with you.

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