Black Hole, Reality And Perspective

Recently I was reading an interesting article about black holes. It was a scientific theory suggests that if a person falls into a black hole, there will be two realities, one, they would be crushed or collapsed, two, they can pass unharmed through the black hole and live there normally. The question is, which of the two states is real. The article goes on to explain that both possibilities are real and depend upon who is witnessing it. If the observer is outside the black hole, they see the first incident to be real, while for the person inside the black hole, reality presents itself as the second possibility. It means that its all about perspective.
On giving it a deeper thought I realized that there's so much we can relate to this theory. In life there are those all encompassing black holes that appear in the form of disappointments, failures and heartbreaks and tend to consume you into their darkness. But, you can have any of the two realities. You can either get crushed and burned down under the weight of all the hurdles, or choose to get through in life while living along with them, facing them as they come.
Also, there was another point that said that both these states in the black hole are for real because everyone see it from their point of view. Isn't is just the same with life, your reality is your point of view.
So, its all about perspective, be it the black hole or life's problems. It is entirely upto how you see things, that your reality turns out. This analogy may appear true to some and false to others, but it teaches us a lot. The most important being the fact that there is a possibility of an alternate reality, you may change your reality by shifting your perspective. That's indeed a precious life lesson that we all can learn.
So, black hole or bumps in life, your perspective decides your reality.

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