Id, Ego, Superego: Inside The Human Mind

Human beings, as we know are complex creatures. They are an amalgamation of emotions, logic, good and evil. Inside every person's mind lie a plethora of thoughts and ideas about the world and life.
So, what is it that makes us as we are? What makes us think and do things the way we think and do them? What is it that drives our desires, actions and morals? The answers to all these questions are the Id, Ego and Superego.
Human psychology works in surprising ways. These are the three aspects of our psychology which govern whatever way we behave. 'Id' is the part of our personality which is responsible for our desires and wants. It makes us want things and makes us take extreme measures to attain it. In short, Id is the devil side of our personality.
Then there is the 'Ego', which is more like the human side. It keeps a check on the devil side, by making us control and restrict our actions, so that we do not take socially unacceptable actions to fulfill our desires. It is the law fearing person in us that keeps us grounded and under control.
The third and the noblest aspect of our personality is the 'Superego'. It is beyond just human, it is the angelic side of our personality. The Superego governs our noble actions and thoughts. It drives and guides us towards moral values and behavior. 
Interestingly, the above three are a part of each one's personality. Each of us have a devil, a human and an angel residing in our minds and characters. These qualities are present in different people in different quantities and their overall effect forms a person's characteristics. This is the reason why various people exhibit various traits, some are more evil than others, some are more noble than others and some are more commonly human than others.
Id, Ego and Superego govern our thoughts, actions and doings but to some extent, it is upto us, that which aspect do we nourish and bring forth the most.
Do share your thoughts about these amazing aspects of our personality in the comments.

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  1. A wonderful and an easy to understand write up of ID Ego and Superego.


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