Broken Crayons

Trent Shelton has remarked, "Broken crayons still colour the same." How deep these words are and how true. However broken a crayon is, it'll never lose its capacity and capability to colour whatever it touches.
Aren't we all like this crayon? Do we not splatter and spray the colours of our personality and being on whoever we come across? Yes of course we do. As human beings we possess umpteen colours within us, black or white, grey or pale, we do colour others in our hues. 
If we are so much like this crayon, then why can't we behave like it when we are broken. Can we not pick up our pieces and transform the world with them. There is no reason that we couldn't or we shouldn't do so. 
There is every possibility that we can always rise after falling, we can always rejuvenate the will to live and grow. We all read and hear this type of words all the time but how much do we act upon? I have asked this question to myself several times, and honestly, the answer is mostly no. But why not start now. Its never too late to begin colouring the world.
So get hold of your brokenness, gather the courage and your shrads, use them to reach where you belong, to get what you deserve and to colour the way that broken crayon does.

Have you ever been a broken crayon and did you still colour? Share your experiences and thoughts in the comments.

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