The Right Thing To Do

We all come across situations which demand a decision from us. These situations require us to choose a course of action out of the available 
In such situations we find ourselves at the crossroads struggling to decide what's the right thing to do. The thing is, you can't really say. 
You cannot really define right or wrong. All you can do is decide to do what feels right and do it anyway.
This continuous conflict that is always there, it pushes you to let go of things that you really want, it brings forth the harsh reality, when all you want to do is dream. 
There is always a challenge to choose from the heart and the mind, to ignore one out of the two, because in most cases they disagree with each other.
There is always the challenge of silencing one of them, and especially if that one is your heart. And we all know that we do just that more often than not. We tend to ignore the voices of the heart and choose otherwise. It mostly happens due to societal or familial concerns, but it happens a lot.
However, there are a few courageous ones who dare to follow their heart's way, and kudos to them, because, that path is ever so thorny and prone to a lot of condemnation. However, the other kind of people, the ones who bow to the mind's will are no less courageous. Because, they are the ones who let go of their intense and heartfelt desires only to keep peace around, in this way they sacrifice a lot and suffer in silence.
Listen to the heart or the mind, the right thing to do is always the thing that feels right. And trust me, you'll know it when you need to know.

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