Debatable Relatable

I started this blog only a few months ago, even though 
I wanted to do it for years. Anyways, I did start my formal journey into writing, and still am struggling to get a good reader base, to up the numbers. I am looking forward to it, hoping for it.
We all are well aware of the fact that things don't happen overnight. Blogs don't become popular instantly and it is really difficult to gain people's confidence. We all know it, and I know it. 
However, the fact of the matter is, numbers, earnings, popularity, everything is a consequence, an aftereffect of the act of writing. The reason why I started doing it in the first place was because I wanted to and aspired to do it. I like to write, wish to write, that's why I write. 
Many of my friends and acquaintances often raise questions about the number of followers or readers. They have been nudging and pushing me over to gain more readers by using various means. And they aren't wrong. Normally, if someone starts writing on a public platform, everyone expects them to be doing it for gaining popularity and who doesn't want it? And some money, who won't want it? 
But the thing is, peopla around me think that my writings are too simple, not so appealing to the common masses and that I must mould it or decorate it or sensationalize it to popularize it. However, my point and argument is that the very essence of my blog RELATABLE is to be relatable. To be so much associated to common lives that people feel like they relate to it. That's what I try to write, simple, relatable stuff.
It is my personal opinion that if I mould and adorn my articles to fit the
popularity criteria, they will lose their authenticity. My writings won't be mine if they do not consist of my genuine thoughts and my way of presenting them. If anything lacks originality, it would never be heart touching no matter  how fancy it is, no matter how glamorous it is. 
And, I, on any day, would prefer authenticity over popularity, though having both is always better. But, I wouldn't get into the rat race just because it is trending.
I would always prefer to be true and unnoticed than to pretend and shine. Anyways that's my way and my opinions and some might agree others may disagree with it, and that makes Relatable debatable.

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