The Ultimate Quest

Have you ever wondered what everyone is looking for in this frenzied world? Have you ever given a moment of thought to what all the hullabaloo is about? Have you ever asked yourself what your ultimate quest is?

When I gave it a thought, the realization struck. All that we want, money, attention, power, freedom, love, glamour, everything, absolutely everything, is for that sense of fulfillment. Whatever you desire, when you attain, will give you an undefinable sense of satisfaction. And in my opinion, its definition is the peace of mind.

We all actually crave for that sense of content, that peace of mind ultimately. Its ironical how we put ourselves into all the commotion to achieve the peace and content. How we are running the life's race, just to reach the undefined destination.

Anyhow, we do define it for ourselves time and again, as and when required and as it seems to suit us. Some call it that dream job, while others defines it as the money, for someone it could be standing out in the crowd, while for another it could be seeing their family happy. Some find this contentment in the lap of nature while other finds it amidst people, some achieve it through power, by being at the top of their game. For the more enlightened ones it is called making a difference or giving back to the society.

The thing is, whatever name you know it by, its all the same. Its actually upto each one of us to recognize it, find it, achieve it and attain it. It is upto each one of us to address and answer that 'Ultimate Quest' which makes us, 'Us'.

Have you found your ultimate quest yet, or are you still searching for it? Do share your thoughts in the comments.

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