Self Confidence: Facing Your Storms

Self confidence is often considered to be a virtue of those in possession of power, money or fame. It is always presumed that someone lacking the above is prone to lack confidence as well. 
Well this might actually not be the case. I have myself seen people at higher positions but with complete lack of confidence or a stand when it comes to making crucial decisions. The thing is, everybody wants power but no one wants to take the liability for the consequences of this power.
However, there are another kind of people too, these are the ones who possess enough self confidence to be able to stand for what they think is right and are capable to bear the aftereffects of their actions or position.
Then there are those who may not possess any of the aforementioned virtues but are still full of confidence to take over the world. Such people sometimes achieve the unachievable solely with their confidence in themselves and their abilities. 
So the thing is, confidence is not the quality that comes from power, rather it is an intrinsic characteristic that needs to be developed and worked upon over the course of time.
This is what makes a person stand courageously in the face of adversities and face the storms that come their way. 
The thing is, if you trust yourself fully and have faith in your abilities. If you can stand up for what you think is right and stand against what you think is wrong, you have got it. You have what they call 'Confidence'.
So it isn't apt to connect the quality of being confident with professional or monetary success, rather it is dependent upon how much effort we put into ourselves. And trust me if you invest in building self confidence, the returns are going to be great.

What are your thoughts on self confidence and do you believe that it is the virtue of only those having one or the other kind of power. Do share your thoughts in the comments.

Photo: From internet 

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