The New One

At some point or other in our lives we've all been 'that new person' at a place that is new to us. One could be hesitant or shy or outgoing or friendly. But all that is from the perspective of the 'new one'. There is another perspective involved and that is of the 'old ones' or the established ones.
Actually I've had this experience fairly recently when I left my workplace of 6 years to join somewhere else. Honestly speaking it was little difficult for a person like me, who always seeks familiarity and comfort, the one who isn't always keen to meet new people.
Anyways, as a new person at the new place I felt very welcomed, as is the case mostly. But there always are other things. There are so many types of people you meet and there are so many attitudes and behaviours you come across. 
There are the welcoming ones, then there are the friendly ones and the over friendly ones. There are leg pullers and there are helping ones. There are also people who try to influence every new person, and there are others who aren't interested. Then there are the ones who repel people, there are the incessant talkers and the silent goers. There are the egoistic ones and the hesitant ones. There are the backstabbers and the straightforward ones. There will be people you think you could trust, and then there are the ones you could actually trust.
When you are 'the new one', you'll feel lonely at times, and crave familiarity. At times you'll discover amazing work culture. At some other times you'll get to meet some really wonderful people. Whatever and whoever it is that you come across, don't ever let it become what you aren't because ultimately your talent, your qualities and your self is all that makes a mark.
And one more thing, don't ever be someone who makes any 'new one' wish that they could go back to their old place. 

Do share your experiences in the comments.

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