Saving Them

Failure, embarrassment, confrontation, introspection, clarification, troubles, inconvenience, sadness, bad days, work pressure, peer pressure, dominance, injustice, disrespect, insult, humiliation, not being acknowledged, repentance, guilt, anger, senselessness, illness, disease, hurt, downfall, betrayal, there is so much that we all go through every single day.

We see people around us falling prey to all or many of the aforementioned situations. There are times  when our friends, family, colleagues or loved ones need help and we do help them to some extent, but there is always a limit to what we can do for them, no matter how badly we want to support them and save them from it all.

Afterall there is not much that you can do. And what exactly is it that you can do?

You can only do so much, you can only take stand, you can only convince them, you can only correct them when they are wrong, you can only try and pull them out of that unwanted situation, you can only give them that emotional support, you can only motivate them when the whole world is doing otherwise, you can only help them with money, time,  encouragement, you can only stand beside them, you can only take them to doctor, you can only get them that medicine, you can only comfort them with words, you can only nurse their wounds, you can just show them light when all they see is darkness, you can only enlighten them when they are ignorant, you can only make them laugh when sadness engulfs them, you can only show some respect for their struggles, you can only help build their self-esteem and confidence, you can only drag them out of that age old guilt, you can only kindle or rekindle the love for life and joy, you can only make them smile, you can only give them courage, you can only show faith in them.

So it seems there is not much we can do to help or save people. Everyone must fight their own battles, everyone must undergo their own sufferings, each one of us must carry our own baggage and all of us need to bear the brunt on our own.

There is not much that could be done. But actually, a little bit goes a long way. A small gesture of trust and respect could change a life. I mean, you never know what impact you are making on someone's life, your words may be a balm for someone's broken soul. You never know how your kind words could help people come out of the darkest pits, how your time and talk can change a negative mindset into a positive one.

Anais Nin has famously said, "You cannot save people. You can only love them." So, just do what you ought to do, just care for people, you don't need superpowers to save people, all you need is concern and love and you would be a great help.

What do you think of it? Have you ever saved people and in what way? Do share in the comments.

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