Being A Poet

Being a poet is one of the greatest privileges, I suppose. This is because your imagination takes you to places where you may never have been. You can see places, you haven't seen, you can do things you may not do otherwise, and all of it, through poetry.

Even though you have your share of dilemmas, being a poet is a pleasure.
That ecstatic feeling when you collect  your thoughts and pen down a literary piece, is unmatched, and the sense of satisfaction that follows is a reward in itself.
Being poets we never crave money or favours, all we want is appreciation and understanding of our work as every piece we write is close to our heart because it is our own creation and the joy of creating is one of the greatest joys of all time.
Being a poet is getting the best of both worlds, its like sitting in a bubble of your own, observing the world outside, it is like bringing things alive through your words.
It is a great feeling.

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